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Wix website design agency and expert

Get a custom-designed website tailored to your business by the best Wix designers and professionals.

Bizimuhit is a Wix website design agency and certified expert. Get a custom website design in Wix tailored to your business by Wix designers.

What would you like to do?

*Trusted by 250+ customers, from start-ups to enterprises

Core solutions that span across your business

Start your business with a partner that adapts every aspect of your business, from starting to selling.

Explore bizimuhit's website design, CRM, sales, marketing, SEO, development solutions for Wix websites.

Become a part of the community

Step into a world of full of skills and experiences. Explore community!

Delivering impact across industries

Follow the lead of entrepreneurs who build businesses around the world with us.

"I really enjoy working with Bizimuhit. We are currently finishing my homepage and developing an ideal concept that represents my work."

Nera Therapy - Nera Capatt
"I am extremely pleased with the assistance I received from Bizim Muhit. It was a pleasure collaborating with them. They created a wonderful website that perfectly aligned with my vision. All of my feedback was promptly addressed, and we developed the website from scratch to completion in just two weeks."
​Vexir - Dennis Houthoofd

Verified by Wix, recognized by customers

Legend level Wix partner & expert bizimuhit.

Legend level Wix partner
& expert verified as a Legend partner in Wix marketplace for the high number of leads and conversions.

Certified Wix Velo Developer bizimuhit.

Certified Wix Velo Developer certified as a Velo developer by Wix for the proven skills and abilities to work with Velo.

Bring the wow into your Wix website

Let us build your dream online business with advanced tools and professional design. 

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